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Tom Watson has demanded that the party publishes its submission to an inquiry into anti-Semitism allegations.


Face of Nation : He said he had a right to see documents handed to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).Labour has said claims in the programme were inaccurate.

Speaking to Panorama, which aired on Wednesday, ex-party officials claimed senior Labour figures had interfered in the disciplinary process of dealing with accusations of anti-Semitism.

Labour has insisted the claims were inaccurate and made by “disaffected” former staff.

In a letter to Labour General Secretary Jenny Formby, Mr Watson said the party’s response had failed those who spoke to the programme and “breached all common standards of decency”.

“The way that they have been smeared, including by Labour spokespeople, is deplorable,” he wrote.

“Even if some in the party did not want to hear what they had to say, it is unacceptable to attempt to undermine their integrity and characters in this manner.”

He said Ms Formby had “insisted” members of the shadow cabinet should not have the right to see the EHRC submission, but added: “I disagree.””Only sunlight can disinfect Labour of anti-Semitism now,” he wrote.

But shadow home secretary Diane Abbott, a close ally of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, tweeted that Mr Watson knew “perfectly well that he cannot make ‘demands’ of Jennie Formby”.

She added that he was “very wrong to imply that she is dealing with this matter with anything less than her usual professionalism”.The EHRC launched a formal investigation in May into whether Labour had “unlawfully discriminated against, harassed or victimised people because they are Jewish”.

The Jewish Labour Movement said on Thursday that more than 30 whistleblowers, including current Labour staff, would submit evidence to the inquiry.