Home INDIA The naval variant of the homemade Naval Tejas Clears Critical Test Before...

The naval variant of the homemade Naval Tejas Clears Critical Test Before Landing On Aircraft Carrier


Face of Nation : The naval variant of the homemade Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas became the first aircraft in India to successfully perform an “arrested landing”, in what is being billed as a major step in the programme to make the jet ready for service with the Navy.

Today’s test at Goa’s Shore-Based Test Facility replicates the conditions on an aircraft carrier where fighter jets have to snag a wire on the deck of the ship in order to abruptly stop within the length of the narrow deck.

The nimble multirole fighter jet used a hook mounted on its fuselage to snare a wire to rapidly come to a halt after landing at a test facility. The ability to come to a halt in a very short distance is a key feature needed for operations on board an aircraft carrier where the real estate needed to land is limited.

An “arrested landing” on the deck of an aircraft carrier is a feat achieved by only a handful of fighter jets developed in the US, Russia, the UK, France and, more recently, China.

Achieving this successfully, over and over again at the test facility in Goa, will validate one of the most important design features on the LCA-N – its ability to handle the incredible stresses of making an “arrested landing” on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

It is only once the shore tests are successful that naval test pilots leading the development effort on the LCA-N prototypes can graduate to the next step – making an actual landing on India’s only operational aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya.

To eventually make an approach onto the deck of INS Vikramaditya, LCA-N engineers and pilots need to be confident that the fighter can slam down onto the deck of a carrier at a ‘sink rate’ (rate of descent) of approximately 7.5 metres per second (1,500 feet per minute) without being damaged.

One of the major technical concerns that could impact the development of the LCA-N is that the arrestor gear on INS Vikramaditya, the mechanical system used to rapidly slow down an aircraft as it lands, has key design differences from the gear installed at the test facility in Goa.