Home USA The head of the National Straight Pride Coalition accidentally called his organization a...

The head of the National Straight Pride Coalition accidentally called his organization a “totally peaceful racist group”


Face of Nation : The head of the National Straight Pride Coalition accidentally called his organization a “totally peaceful racist group” to laughter from those gathered at a California city council meeting on Wednesday night. The laughter was so loud that Don Grundmann couldn’t audibly correct himself, even though he was speaking into a microphone. 

Videos posted by outlets present for the meeting show Grundmann pleading his case to hold a “straight pride” event at an amphitheater in a residential park in Modesto. Thomas Reeves, a spokesperson for the city manager’s office, told the event application is still being considered.  “We’re still working on a few items related to our normal due diligence relating to these types of applications,” he said.  At one point, Grundmann called out city council member Kristi Ah You, who has been an especially vocal opponent of the event, saying she “pulled the race card.”

“You attacked us as racists,” Grundmann said, pointing at Ah You while the crowd behind him began growing restless. “You pulled the race card to justify attacks against us in that park. When they come, you’re going to turn right around and say we deserved it. Grundmann said calling his own group “racist” was an accident and that the Modesto City Council is “working overtime” to find a way to stop the event. He said he expects his “first amendment rights to be respected.”