Home AUSTRALIA South Australia to ban plastic straws and cutlery

South Australia to ban plastic straws and cutlery


Face of Nation : Plastic cutlery, straws and drink stirrers are to be banned in South Australia, with draft legislation expected to be released for public discussion this year.

Environment Minister David Speirs says he hopes to introduce laws banning the single-use items into the South Australian parliament next year.

The state will later move to ban polystyrene cups and polystyrene takeaway containers, but no decision has been made yet on plastic bags, coffee cups and plastic takeaway containers.

“SA is continuing to lead the nation and set the agenda in recyclables and waste management,” Mr Speirs told the Adelaide Advertiser.

“We led the way with our container-deposit scheme, we were ahead of the pack on plastic bag reform and now we will lead the country on single-use plastics.”