Home UK Seven MPs resigned from the Labour party and formed the Independent Group.

Seven MPs resigned from the Labour party and formed the Independent Group.


Face of Nation :The Guardian’s political editor Heather Stewart charts its rise and rapid fall with Anushka Asthana, and examines whether there is still space in the centre ground of British politics.

In February 2019, seven MPs resigned from the Labour party and formed the Independent Group. Days later, four more MPs joined them, including three Conservatives. But the group, which then became the Change UK party, was beset with problems from the start. From having nearly 20% support in the polls, it slumped to 3% in the European elections and then 0% this weekend after six of its 11 MPs – including the interim leader Heidi Allen – quit. Can Change UK survive?

Plus: Damian Carrington, the Guardian’s environment editor, on the “frightening” number of plant extinctions, which have been recorded by scientists in the first global analysis of the issue.