Home AUSTRALIA Scott Morrison will attend a White House state dinner with Donald Trump

Scott Morrison will attend a White House state dinner with Donald Trump


Face of Nation : Scott Morrison will head to the US later this week to attend a White House state dinner at the invitation of Donald Trump. Government minister Stuart Robert says it is an extraordinarily rare state visit for an Australian prime minister, the last being 14 years ago when John Howard visited when George W Bush was president. It is also only President Trump’s second state dinner with a global leader.

“The strength of the relationship with the US is extraordinarily strong,’ Mr Robert told Sky news on Sunday. “We need to keep it that way … and only dialogue and engagement can do that.” He said Mr Morrison could build on the relationship he made during this year’s G7 and G20 meetings in recent months.

“We are seeking the US to remain strongly engaged in our part of the world,” he said. The visit coincides with a trade war between the US and China. Mr Stuart said the world certainly does better when everyone abides by their trade commitments.

Billionaire media tycoon Kerry Stokes has said Mr Morrison should visit China and reset the relationship with Australia’s number one trading partner, given the nation’s entire future is based on its ability to trade. What Mr Morrison won’t be doing during his US trip is attending the United Nations’ climate conference in New York.

Labor’s climate change spokesman Mark Butler said that didn’t surprise him because the government had indicated it was not willing to change its position on climate change, even though its emission target was inadequate. He said various reports indicated Australia won’t achieve its Paris target and was trailing last among the G20 economies.