Home CANADA Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a foreign policy speech in Montreal railing...

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a foreign policy speech in Montreal railing against the Conservatives


Face of Nation : Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a foreign policy speech in Montreal today that had a noticeable domestic flavour, railing against the Conservatives and accusing them of flirting with “the forces of populism.”

“The Conservatives envision a world where Canada hectors from the sidelines — where we refuse to participate, but still expect a platform from which to shout,” Trudeau told a gathering of the Montreal Council on Foreign Relations earlier today.

“They envision a world where Canada flirts with the forces of populism, whipping up fear and spreading misinformation.” In a campaign-style speech, the prime minister patted his government on the back for standing up against the rise of populism on the world stage.

“We know that a strong and thriving middle class is the most effective bulwark against destructive populism,” Trudeau said. “That is the Canada that this turbulent world needs us to be.” His 45-minute speech was filled with digs at the Conservative Party and its former leader, Stephen Harper.

“This much is clear: their approach to foreign policy will leave Canada diminished on the world stage. It will be a return to the Harper era, where Canada does less and matters less,” Trudeau said.

In another attempt to contrast himself against his main competition this fall, Trudeau focused a portion of his speech on climate change, arguing it will be a key diplomatic issue between countries. “Climate change is an existential threat. The Conservative Party doesn’t seem to understand that,” he said. “This wilful blindness to the threat of climate change contributed to the decline of Canada’s stature and influence worldwide.”