Home AUSTRALIA Police raid of unit ‘after Ibrahim’s book’

Police raid of unit ‘after Ibrahim’s book’


Face of Nation :  A lawyer representing John Ibrahim’s girlfriend at trial has suggested police only raided her home to get a copy of the Sydney identity’s book before they stumbled upon a loaded, stolen gun.

Sarah Budge, 29, has pleaded not guilty to three weapons possession charges after police found the defaced Glock 26 pistol and a magazine loaded with 17 bullets in her Double Bay unit in August 2017. She says she didn’t know the weapons were there and has suggested her 51-year-old boyfriend or one of his associates could have planted it in the back of her bedroom wardrobe without her knowledge.

Federal police officer Kathleen Oehlers on Wednesday told the court she wasn’t expecting to find the gun and agreed a reason police were searching the unit was due to the possibility Mr Ibrahim’s laptop was there.

Simon Buchen SC, representing Ms Budge, suggested there was particular interest in obtaining Mr Ibrahim’s book contained on the laptop, which was found in her bedroom.

“I don’t know anything about the book. I remember something about a book but we (Ms Budge and I) were talking about things throughout the day,” Ms Oehlers told the court.

“We had a number of conversations throughout the day. At some point in the day she did make reference to the book.” Ms Oehlers said she couldn’t recall whether as soon as the laptop password was entered, a scanned copy of the book appeared on the screen.

After finding and accessing the laptop with Ms Budge’s assistance, police searched her wardrobe and discovered the concealed weapon. “We didn’t know what we were going to find. We were obviously looking for the things listed in the warrant but what we find is what we find,” Ms Oehler told the court.

The loaded pistol, which the jury has heard was reported stolen in 1999 and had its serial number scratched out, was found inside a black beanie inside a box.

The magazine was inside a brown paper bag with the word “pharmacy” written on it. The jury is expected to hear evidence that seven of Ms Budge’s fingerprints and one fingerprint of a man called Michael Amante were found on the bag.

Earlier in the police search, Ms Budge was recorded telling police she’d never been arrested and that her bedroom, with items on the ground and flung over furniture, “looks like a bomb’s gone off”.