Home AUSTRALIA Police : NSW man shot dead over barking dog

Police : NSW man shot dead over barking dog


Face of Nation : An 18-year-old is believed to have shot dead his neighbour in central western NSW because the man’s dogs would not stop barking.

The 25-year-old victim was taken to hospital in a critical condition on Monday afternoon, after emergency workers were called to property in Parkes just before 5pm. He later died.

Nathan Joseph Price was arrested at the scene and taken to Parkes police station, where he was charged with murder.

The shooting is believed to have followed an argument about the victim’s dogs barking.

Superintendent Chris Taylor told reporters the men were “not great friends” but confirmed they lived on the same street and knew one another.

Police are not aware of any previous incidents between them, the ABC reported.

Price was also charged with firing a gun in a public place and possession of an unregistered, unauthorised gun in public.

He did not apply for release when his matter was called at Orange Local Court on Tuesday and it was formally refused.

He was ordered to reappear at Parkes Local Court on August 19.