Home AUSTRALIA NSW Labor ‘fundamentally wrong’: Albanese

NSW Labor ‘fundamentally wrong’: Albanese


Face of Nation : Federal Labor Party leader Anthony Albanese and his state counterpart Jodi McKay have announced a review into the state party’s head office, saying something is “fundamentally wrong” with the current culture. The review – to be headed by former commonwealth attorney-general Professor Michael Lavarch – comes after details of NSW Labor’s latest donations scandal were laid bare by the anti-corruption watchdog.

Ms McKay said the first stage of the review would look at the role and responsibilities of the general secretary, while the second would focus on head office mechanisms which she labelled as “lax and deficient”.

“It is clear that we need to let the sunshine into our head office and I have been distressed by the evidence that has emerged,” she said. “It’s clear there is a cultural problem within head office … and we need to address that and that’s the commitment we’re making today.”

The explosive evidence uncovered at the ICAC inquiry into illegal donations led to the dumping of NSW Labor’s general secretary Kaila Murnain in August. Ms Murnain told ICAC that in September 2016 upper house MP Ernest Wong told her Huang Xiangmo – who was a prohibited donor – had donated to the state Labor party and she’d failed to act on that information.

Ms McKay said NSW Labor would not be appointing a new general secretary until the review is complete. “There will be no appointment … until we have a firm definition around the roles and responsibilities and indeed how this position works within the broader party structure,” Ms McKay said. Labor leader Anthony Albanese said party officers had let the membership down and the review was needed to bring lasting reform.

“There is something fundamentally wrong when people running a political party office think it’s normal to behave in this way,” he said. “The overwhelming number of people in our party who go out there and sell two dollar raffle tickets, who volunteer, who work for the community … are let down when circumstances occur that have been revealed by the ICAC.

Mr Albanese said they expected the first set of recommendations will be brought down “in about a month”. The Labor leader dismissed the idea of moving the party’s state headquarters from their base at Sussex Street, saying “what we need is substantial change not symbolic change”.