Home AUSTRALIA NSW Labor boss warned staffer over $100K

NSW Labor boss warned staffer over $100K


Face of Nation : Party staffer Kenrick Cheah told the Independent Commission Against Corruption on Tuesday he remembers “quite clearly” what he did after leaving NSW Labor headquarters in early 2015 with the cash-stuffed Aldi bag.After being warned by NSW Labor boss Kaila Murnain to “be careful”, an ALP staffer went grocery shopping while looking after a plastic bag stuffed with $100,000 cash, an anti-corruption inquiry has been told.

Mr Cheah said Ms Murnain – who at the time was Labor’s assistant general secretary – told him to “be careful in terms of personal safety” as he left with the bag he says Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo delivered earlier that day.

“I don’t know if she knew how much was there, but she knew there was a sizeable amount of money that I was taking home to keep safe to bring back the next day,” Mr Cheah told the ICAC hearing.

He drove home with cash but only after stopping at Coles Lane Cove on the way. “(That’s) why the Aldi bag stood out to me – I don’t shop there, it’s different,” he told the inquiry.

“I think I brought it home for one night. I would have remembered quite clearly what I did with it. I don’t bring home that amount of cash often.” Ms Murnain has since been promoted to general secretary.

The inquiry is examining whether Mr Huang – a property developer now banned from Australia – was the true source of the cash said to have been raised at a March 2015 Chinese Friends of Labor dinner.

The money was registered as a series of $5000 donations to NSW Labor and Country Labor by 12 donors associated with CFL convenor Jonathan Yee who owns Chinese restaurants in Sydney.

Ms Murnain told ICAC in a compulsory examination she’s heard from NSW upper house MP Ernest Wong that Mr Huang was “the true source” of funds donated under another person’s name to the NSW Labor party in 2015, the inquiry was told on Monday.

Mr Cheah told the NSW Electoral Commission in 2017 that Mr Huang was met at the office in 2015 by then-general secretary Jamie Clements who subsequently handed him the cash. Mr Cheah claims he counted the money in the open-plan office before taking it home overnight because there was no safe at work.

The party staffer claims the cash drop was made a few weeks after the Chinese Friends of Labor dinner. But when questioned by Mr Clement’s lawyer, Stephen Lawrence, Mr Cheah admitted he didn’t actually see Mr Huang carrying the bag of cash.

“I didn’t look to see if he was holding anything, or didn’t notice, I just noticed him walk in,” Mr Cheah said on Tuesday. Mr Lawrence suggested Mr Clements and Mr Huang were “convenient scapegoats”.

“I didn’t use anyone as a scapegoat,” Mr Cheah replied. “I have no animosity towards Jamie … nor Mr Huang.” As a property developer, Mr Huang was prohibited by law from making donations to NSW political parties.

Labor disclosed it received $138,930 in revenue from the CFL dinner. Asked why Mr Huang was seated on one of the main tables at the 2015 dinner, Mr Cheah on Tuesday said it might have been to avoid causing offence to a “rich and powerful guy”.

He acknowledged it was “unusual” that the $100,000 was all cash, but added: “My honest assumption would have been it all got collected at one place so maybe they all decided to pay by cash.” Ms Murnain is due to give evidence to the inquiry on Wednesday.