Home INDIA Mystery 90 kilogram load was added to cargo flight list on MH370

Mystery 90 kilogram load was added to cargo flight list on MH370


Face of Nation : Investigators from France have made a rather disturbing discovery in the doomed Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing case which vanished on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board. France is the only country still conducting a judicial inquiry into the lost plane.

Investigators say they have discovered a 90kg load that was only added to the cargo list after takeoff. French engineer Ghyslain Wattrelos, who lost his wife and two of his three children in the crash, submitted a new report detailing the claims.

“A container was also overloaded, without anyone knowing why. The expert draws no conclusion. “It may be incompetence or manipulation. Everything is possible.” Only last week a report suggested that the investigators gained access to “crucial” flight data revealing the pilot of MH370 was in control of the plane “until the end”.

This increases the suspicions that he crashed into the sea in a murder-suicide. The revelations based on Boeing data came after a new account suggested that the Pilot may have been clinically depressed, leading him to starve the passengers of oxygen and then crash the Boeing 777 into the sea.

Malaysian government has time and again refuted any claims of pilot being involved in the vanishing of the plane which became one of the world’s greatest aviation mysteries. The last official report generated by investigators was in July last year, and the 495-page report said that the plane’s controls were probably deliberately manipulated to take it off course.

Earlier scientists claimed to have identified a potential crash site of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 using a new mathematical approach to analyse how debris moves around the ocean. Over USD 150 million has been spent so far to identify where the plane carrying 239 passengers crashed into the Indian Ocean, with no success.

After the analysis, the team’s estimated search area was from 33 to 17 degrees south latitude along the arc of the last satellite to contact the downed plane, whose northern edge has remained largely unscrutinised.