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Former U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice doesn’t want to waste her time talking about Fox News host Tucker Carlson


Face of Nation : Former U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice doesn’t want to waste her time talking about Fox News host Tucker Carlson. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday asked Rice what she thought of Carlson’s widely criticized claim earlier this week about white supremacy being a “hoax” and “not a real problem in America.”

Rice paused, then delivered this blistering response: “He’s a disgrace. So let’s move on.” But Blitzer pressed Rice. “You don’t even want to discuss that? Because there are people out there who believe those kinds of lies,” he said. Rice agreed to “talk about the lies” but not about Carlson, who is again facing online calls to be fired.

“The mentality that thinks that we have no problem in this country with white nationalism and white supremacy is completely ahistorical and missing the moment that we are living in,” she said. “And we see it manifest with extraordinary frequency.” Rice also noted how “this kind of hate is very real, and it has got very long and deep historical roots in this country. We deny it at our peril.”