Home INDIA Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Armed Forces must be trained against chemical attacks

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Armed Forces must be trained against chemical attacks


Face  of  Nation  : Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday said the armed forces must be fully equipped to operate against chemical-biological attacks in the future. Singh was addessing a gathering at the Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE) here.

Gwalior-based DRDE is the only designated national laboratory recognised for verification of environmental and bio-medical samples by the international Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. It was designated and has been functioning as an independent laboratory since the past 45 years.

“Use of chemical-biological weapons may jeopardise life, health, property and commerce in a way that it may take long to recover. In many of the regions where we deploy our forces, potential adversaries may use these weapons. To meet this challenge, our forces must be properly trained and equipped to operate effectively and decisively in the face of chemical-biological attacks,” said Singh.

“I am pleased to know that the DRDE has developed several technologies for detection, protection and decontamination of toxic agents. Wide industrial base for the production of defence equipment has been established whose quality control is done by the DRDE.

Early detection of chemical-biological agents is the prerequisite for successful protection and decontamination. It is quite appreciable that several DRDE developed products are being used by our Armed Forces,” he added.