Home AUSTRALIA Australia’s strongest conservative MPs, Labor’s Keneally ‘wins’ conservative award

Australia’s strongest conservative MPs, Labor’s Keneally ‘wins’ conservative award


Face of Nation : A day after reportedly chanting “send her back”, attendees at a conservative conference in Sydney cheered US-born Labor Senator Kristina Keneally for drawing attention to the event.

The former NSW premier has publicly railed against the Conservative Political Action Conference Australia and urged that the visa of British activist Raheem Kassam be cancelled due to his “extensive history of vilifying people” on racial and religious grounds.

Mr Kassam, a former editor-in-chief of Breitbart News London and former Muslim, has described the Koran as “fundamentally evil”. Liberal MP Craig Kelly, who addressed the CPAC conference in Sydney on Saturday took to the stage with a trophy the size of a small child.

Mr Kelly, introduced to the conference as one of Australia’s strongest conservative MPs, also slammed the country’s move towards more renewable energy, and accused science agency CSIRO of a “bogus report” on energy costs. The 2018 report found solar and wind generation technologies were the cheapest power stations to build new. “If an ASX-listed company said that in an annual report, they would likely end up in jail because of how misleading it is,” Mr Kelly said.