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Australians have until next month to make a submission to the federal government’s inquiry


Face of Nation : Australians have until next month to make a submission to the federal government’s inquiry into the feasibility of using nuclear energy as a local power source. Submissions are open until September 16, with the hope of finalising the report by the end of the year.

Chair of the Standing Committee on Environment and Energy Ted O’Brien says a review of nuclear energy is timely as new technologies are cleaner, safer and more efficient. “Nuclear energy has evolved since it was last seriously considered in Australia,” Mr O’Brien said on Thursday.

“This inquiry will provide the opportunity to establish whether nuclear energy would be feasible and suitable for Australia in the future, taking into account both expert opinions and community views.” The committee will consider waste management, health and safety, environmental impacts, affordability and reliability, economic feasibility and workforce capability.

Security implications, community engagement and national consensus will also be reviewed. Despite calling for the inquiry, Energy Minister Angus Taylor has continued sending mixed messages over his intentions with nuclear power.

“We’ve got a moratorium and there’s no plan to change that, but I have referred it to the relevant committee and inquiry to look at nuclear in the future and see whether it can play a role over the long-term,” he told. “We need to consider a range of different technologies over the long-term and the role they can play in the system.”

The new probe will have regard to two previous inquiries, a 2016 look at the nuclear fuel cycle by the South Australian government and a 2006 review by the Howard government. The SA inquiry recommended pursuing a dump for overseas nuclear waste in the state, which hit a wall ahead of the last state election. However, a federal government proposal to store low-level and intermediate-level waste generated in Australia is subject to ongoing debate on a suitable location.