Home INDIA With government approving basic night landing facility for Kurnool airport

With government approving basic night landing facility for Kurnool airport


Face of Nation : With government approving basic night landing facility for Kurnool airport last week, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved Automatic Air Traffic Control (ATC) system was installed at the airport. This will enable all non-scheduled flights to operate without ATC and will help in saving Lakhs per month. In our country, a nod by Airport Authority of India (AAI) is a must for any airport to function. The cost for one shift is about Rs 25 Lakh and for full day operations, it charges Rs 50 Lakhs per month.

With AATAS, the airport can now avoid AAI – ATC during non-watch hours and will help in saving Lakhs per month. AATAS can be used by the upcoming Amaravati aero sports academy and the aviation academy at Kurnool Airport.