Home CANADA GIESBRECHT: Another Spate of Suicides Up North

GIESBRECHT: Another Spate of Suicides Up North


Face of Nation : What a CBC radio host called a “yet another spate of suicides” refers to the northern Indigenous community of Attawapiskat. (This First Nation became famous when its then-Chief Theresa Spence staged a nationally televised hunger strike.) This ‘new spate’ is only the latest in a series of suicide epidemics and other serious social problems arising in too many dependent and deeply troubled Indigenous communities.

Isolated Indigenous communities have become centres of suicide epidemics of young people, children determined to get out of their isolated communities, one way or the other. (Inuit kids are nine times as likely as others to take their own lives.)

While Indigenous children live in a prosperous country, too often their families do not share in that prosperity. Too often, their families are on welfare, and the children lack proper role models able to show how they could enter that world of prosperity. Their television and phone screens show them healthy and wealthy southern people, singing, dancing and living the good life. But, when they look around too often they see drunkenness and squalor, violent fathers, and they see no hope of anything changing.

Political leaders – both Indigenous and non-Indigenous – respond to the latest suicide crisis by saying all the expected things. Indigenous politicians express outrage and demand more money and programs from the government. The government responds by promises of more spending on yet more crisis counsellors, alcohol treatment facilities, and for a whole host of other ‘things’.

Others pretend that more cultural awareness and Indigenous history lessons will prevent the suicides. They are either out of touch or lying, and some know it. Most know ‘bandaids’ will make no real difference. As for the politicians, they go through the motions – they have done this many times before, and they they will be doing it again.

The sad children are right. The lives they are being told they must live lack meaning for too many of them. They don’t want the hard life of subsistence hunting of their ancestors, and they certainly don’t want the lives they see too many of their parents living. The children want the lives they see on their television and phone screens, but they see no hope of getting those lives. Get this right, not all Indigenous communities have this problem. So, why do some have high rates of suicide, while others do not?

A University of British Columbia study found that young people in healthy communities with good role models – adults gainfully employed, sober and respected – have no trouble finding reasons to live. But, in dependent, alcoholic and violent communities, too many children find reasons to die.

We should tell the children living in dependent, unhealthy communities the truth. For most of them, any chance of their having a successful life means preparing themselves to move. For those who want to stay, they must find a way to become self-supporting. But for the others, seek the education and programs to help them to transition to healthier centres, where meaningful jobs provide the answer.