Home AUSTRALIA Job-seekers lose pay over missed meetings

Job-seekers lose pay over missed meetings


Face of Nation : New figures released by Employment Minister Michaelia Cash show nearly four in five of the 744,884 Jobactive participants had payments suspended at least once in the 12 months to the end of June. Payments can be suspended if people miss or turn up late to appointments with their service provider or behave badly during the meeting.

One in 12 job-seekers had racked up 10 or more suspensions in the year and one person had payments suspended 52 times. Senator Cash said the figures show the penalty and demerit system is working as intended because people re-engage after copping the punishment. “The coalition takes the mutual obligation of welfare recipients very seriously,” she said in a statement on Wednesday.

“When participants have their payments suspended up to 52 times in less than a year, they are not living up to what the taxpayer expects who are giving their hard-earned money to the government.” Jobactive is the government’s employment program and places requirements on job-seekers such as attending regular meetings with providers and applying for 20 jobs a month in order to keep their welfare payments.

Most Newstart recipients are required to be on it. The program has been criticised for wasting job-seekers’ time, with a Senate committee in February slamming it as “not fit for purpose”.

In many cases, participants were missing paid employment to attend appointments with their Jobactive provider, the committee said. And a March survey of people looking for work found two-thirds said Jobactive hadn’t been helpful in their situation. An overhaul of the program that would allow people to search online for jobs is being trialled in Adelaide and the NSW mid north coast.

The release of figures around Jobactive comes as momentum is gathering in the push to increase the $277-a-week Newstart payment. Several coalition backbenchers, including former Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, had added their voices to those from Labor, the Greens, business and welfare lobby groups, seniors, doctors, the Reserve Bank, and the Country Women’s Association saying the payment is inadequate.