Home CANADA Busy agenda at City Hall includes arena proposal & budget cuts

Busy agenda at City Hall includes arena proposal & budget cuts


Face of Nation : In one of the last scheduled council meetings before the summer break, councillors will have to make several big decisions during what will be a multi-day meeting.

Members of council will get a big update on Monday afternoon on a proposed deal to build a new arena in Victoria Park. Negotiations with the Calgary Flames and Calgary Municipal Land Corporation have been ongoing for months.

Details of the proposal will remain confidential until council votes to make it public, which could happen by the end of the month. It’s not yet known what the city’s contribution to a new rink would be, but the total cost is estimated to be between $550 – 600 million.

Council’s attention will then turn to the municipal budget and an effort to find $60 million in efficiencies this year.  Administration is recommending slashing more than $7 million from the fire department and emergency service’s budget and another $7 million from the Calgary Police Service.

A community group plans to protest the proposed cuts on the steps of City Hall at 9:30 Monday morning. The budget item is scheduled to be discussed at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

Ward 8 councillor Evan Woolley also plans to introduce a motion urging council to pause work on the $4.9 billion Green Line LRT project. Woolley says the city should take more time to contemplate the project’s alignment and cost. Monday’s council meeting starts at 9:30 a.m