Home AUSTRALIA A glamorous cocaine dealing Emirates flight attendant escapes jail

A glamorous cocaine dealing Emirates flight attendant escapes jail


Face of Nation : Glamorous Emirates flight attendant and model Rachel Chami has avoided jail for supplying cocaine in the elite Sydney suburb of Double Bay.

The 26-year-old was employed as a flight attendant for the prestigious Dubai-based airline when she was caught during a major police drug blitz last November.

Police learned Chami had a second, illegal income in Sydney’s underground narcotics trade during a special operation.

Officers pulled over Chami while she was driving in Double Bay and found 18.5 grams of cocaine hidden underneath carpet in the footwell of her vehicle.

Chami has pleaded guilty at Downing Centre Local Court to supplying a prohibited drug and dealing with the proceeds of crime after being arrested in Double Bay.

Police charged her with supplying a prohibited drug worth not less than $5000, and dealing with property proceeds of crime. In May Chami pleaded guilty to both charges.

Following a pre-sentencing report, she was given an aggregate term of 10 months imprisonment.

However the prison term is to be served via an Intensive Corrections Order, which means Chami will avoid imprisonment and will live under strict conditions in the community.