Home CANADA Doucet: Without electoral reform, this federal election will be decided by fear

Doucet: Without electoral reform, this federal election will be decided by fear


Face of Nation : As the politics of barbecue season begin, the costs of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s refusal to honour his promise to make the 2015 election the last first-past-the-post election are hitting home. My prediction is a minority government –  perhaps Conservative, perhaps Liberal. However, it won’t be a minority government determined by what people want but by what they think is the least harmful choice.

Let me give one small example. Cape Breton/Canso, where Green Party leader Elizabeth May began her adult life waitressing and cooking – and began her environmental activism – will vote Conservative this fall, or come so close it will be a hair’s difference.

The motivation to vote Tory in this area, which everyone calls Inverness County, will have very little to do with fixing climate change or who will make the best prime minister. Inverness County is deeply affected by climate change. Winter wind and rainstorms are much more frequent and stronger.  A 150 “suete” (south-east storm) in North Inverness is common. I lost a good deal of siding on my house this winter.  The coastline is being eroded at record rates because the winter sea ice arrives later and leaves earlier. In many villages, it’s not unusual to see three or four metres gone from the coast every spring.

Inverness will not vote Green because it’s a fish-and-chips resource-based economy. Green is fine in theory but the fear is that Green means more fishing and land-use restrictions. The Liberal vote will be substantially reduced because Trudeau is seen as someone who doesn’t honour his electoral promises. And, just as importantly, the popular incumbent has retired. The switch to Conservatives will be significant but will be mitigated by those who vote strategically i.e. they don’t want a Liberal but they want a Tory even less.

It will not vote NDP because my father and grandfather did not vote NDP.

This time, there will be no red tide in Atlantic Canada. The Atlantic provinces will return to dividing up their political loyalties. The vote will also fracture differently across the country. It will be a dog’s breakfast.

Elizabeth May will have more company in the House from Atlantic Canada, but her capacity to eat into the “progressive vote” will be limited by strategic voting. At the last moment, many voters will lose their nerve and vote not for who they want but out of fear of the 1950s’ thinking of the Conservative Party. This is the great hope of the Liberals.

The problem is: Democracy can’t work this way because the resulting Parliament, no matter what it looks like, won’t reflect people’s genuine wishes. It will represent their fears.

Trudeau hurt his own party and the country when he backed away from his promise to make his 2015 victory the last first past-the-post election. The impression that stuck to him then and remains even for those who couldn’t care less about electoral reform is that he was just another expedient politician. This has clung to him surprisingly firmly, obscuring his government’s real accomplishments. It’s been good to see money flowing into needed community projects and national infrastructure; support for modern attitudes to gender and the need for dignity and justice for First Nations; and toughness on the carbon tax.  He’s also cut a reasonable and attractive figure internationally. We don’t have to lower our heads when we walk out into the world.

Unfortunately, all of the issues and debates this fall will be obscured and confused by the uncertainty people have about their vote. The big question for many voters will be, as the Liberals hope, who do I NOT want? This negativity will corrupt the next federal mandate, no matter what balance between the parties results, because first-past-the-post can’t work with multiple parties. It belongs in the certainties of another century.