Home AUSTRALIA South Australian pedophile has had his jail time extended after admitting to...

South Australian pedophile has had his jail time extended after admitting to fresh offences


Face  of  Nation  : A South Australian pedophile who has refused to participate in rehabilitation programs after abusing young boys has had his jail time extended.

Norman Vivian Pearce, 80, was already serving a 14-year sentence after he was found guilty in 2008 of 19 child sex offences involving eight boys between 1980 and 1992.

Judge Soulio said the newly-admitted offending was “calculated, sinister and hedonistic” and had a lifelong impact on his victim who was aged between 13 and 16 at the time.

He said Pearce had met the boy through the air cadet program and groomed him by buying him takeaway food, giving him access to computers and computer games and taking him on outings. The victim told the court he became “brainwashed” into thinking that the sexual abuse was normal and had “suffered in silence”.

In a previous appearance, the court also heard that Pearce had declined to take part in rehabilitation programs while in jail for fear of being mocked by other prisoners.

“They’re group sessions, they’re not confidential and whatever is spoken about in them is then spoken about freely in the prison,” his counsel Shane Spence said. “It is embarrassing and not becoming.”

But Judge Soulio said his attitude to the programs were not relevant to the sentence to be imposed and noted that the prisoner had written a letter of apology, expressing remorse for his offending.