Home AUSTRALIA Nursing home a ‘sentence’ for young man

Nursing home a ‘sentence’ for young man


Face of Nation : James Nutt, 35, views his years in a nursing home as a “sentence”. Lisa Corcoran, 43, hates living in aged care and wishes she could leave. Life in residential aged care for people under 65 can be soul destroying, the aged care royal commission has been told.

A number of younger people who are living, or have lived, in residential aged care will tell the royal commission about their experiences during a hearing in Melbourne next week.

Mr Nutt will tell the inquiry the seven years he spent in a nursing home had a devastating effect on his mental health. “He says he was ‘sentenced’ because it felt like jail,” advocacy group the Summer Foundation said in its royal commission submission.

Mr Nutt spent two years in hospital and rehabilitation after an assault left him with an acquired brain injury, before moving into a nursing home. He had nothing to do. “I’d be placed in a lounge room with 10 other people to watch the same John Wayne movie for weeks on end,” he said.

“You might make a friend or acquaintance, but the next week they’re dead. A 21-year-old should not be losing the people around them like that.” Mr Nutt now lives independently. Ms Corcoran will tell the royal commission she feels lonely and isolated in aged care.

She has also had difficulties accessing rehabilitation, saying her reduced access to physiotherapy means she is not reaching her goal of walking. “I should be treated like a human being,” she said in the Summer Foundation’s submission. A man left a quadriplegic after a diving accident has told the inquiry he is still struggling to come to terms with living in aged care.

The man was 47 when he dived into a river and hit a sandbar, breaking his neck, Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance director Bronwyn Morkham said. Now in his early 50s, the man and his family are still dealing with the reality of his life in a nursing home.

“He said in his own submission that one of the biggest shocks to him and one of the most confronting things for him that he is still struggling to comes to terms with, is that he had to go into a nursing home at all,” Dr Morkham told. “The impact on his family has been profound and they’re still not over the fact that he has had to do that.”

Dr Morkham said the youngest case she was aware of involved a 10-year-old girl with a terminal illness who spent a limited period in a nursing home before she died, so she could remain close to her family in a rural and remote area.

“For some younger people who live in rural and remote areas, that’s the challenge they face. If you want to stay near family or within community, a nursing home is often the only option there is.”