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Australia – Abortion bill NSW: Barnaby Joyce’s anti-abortion comments spark debate


Face of Nation : A lot happened in the news this week — George Pell lost his bid to overturn his child sex abuse convictions, the Morrison Government announced Australia would join US operations in the Persian Gulf, and the blazing of the Amazon rainforest went viral.

But nothing divided news.com.au’s readers like Barnaby Joyce’s anti-abortion campaign, which sparked a heated debate over who — if anyone besides the mother in question — has the right to weigh in on such a sensitive topic. Earlier this week, an unknown number of households in NSW received a recorded message voiced by the New England MP.

“Barnaby Joyce here,” the message said. “I’m calling on behalf of the Foundation for Human Development about the abortion bill in the NSW parliament. This allows sex selective abortions. It legalises abortions for any reason right up until the day of birth.”

An opinion piece on the subject by news.com.au contributor Alex Carlton, which compared Mr Joyce to Sarah Palin and argued he’s in no position to morally lecture others, sparked heated discussion in our comments section.

The most-liked comment came from news.com.au reader David, who simply said: “Not often I agree with a reporter but AMEN.” But not far behind, reader Graham said: “I agree with Barnaby … there is an inherent right to life.” This led to a long debate over whether the woman’s choice or the life of the unborn child deserved higher priority.

Reader Matt argued back: “The life being terminated is 100% not the women’s body. It has its own separate human DNA unique to the mothers. Choices were made already prior to conception.”

Commenter overthehill shifted the focus to men, noting women never undertake the decision lightly. “Abortion should be decriminalised. Women NEVER undertake this decision lightly and without considerable deliberation.

“I wonder what the reaction would be if there was a bill to make it mandatory for men to be sterilised or alternately, made responsible for the welfare, care and maintenance of a child. I can hear the huffing and puffing now.”

However another reader, Phillip, took issue with the argument that Mr Joyce’s opinion was out-and-out invalid. “‘Nobody cares what you think Barnaby’ — wrong. By all means share your opinion but don’t presume to speak for us all,” he wrote.

“Barnaby’s comments were articulate, genuine and expressed what many of us feel. “Abortion is such a selfish act generally. It’s great to hear a conviction politician speaking for the rights of the unborn or newly born child. “I respect the right of those who wish to disagree but there are two sides to this discussion.” But all in all, we have to give the comment of the week to captain goodvibes, who compared Mr Joyce’s tirade to that of another disgraced old white guy: “This is probably the only bloke in Australia who could challenge Alan Jones right now for the title of Australia’s most embarrassing clown.”