Home USA Trump tweets quote saying Israeli Jews love him ‘like he is the...

Trump tweets quote saying Israeli Jews love him ‘like he is the second coming of God’


Face of Nation : Donald Trump on Wednesday tweeted a quote from a right-wing conspiracy theorist who called him “the King of Israel.”

“President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world…  Jewish people in Israel love him… …like he’s the King of Israel” Trump quoted Newsmax TV host Wayne Allyn Root saying on Newsmax.

“He keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for all of us. Good for Jews, good for blacks, good for gays. Good for everyone in America who wants a job,” Root said, also noting that “I happen to be Jewish by birth.”

The president thanked Root for his comments in a tweet just a day after telling reporters that Jewish people who vote for Democrats are disloyal.

Decrying the Democratic Party, Trump said on Tuesday “Where have they gone, where they’re defending these two people over the state of Israel? And I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge, or great disloyalty.”

Trump’s remarks angered many Jewish people, who have voted for Democrats about 70% of the time in the last two election cycles.

Thousands began using the hashtag #DisloyalToTrump, which trended on Twitter alongside #KingofIsrael.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Jewish Democratic primary candidate, tweetedTuesday evening in response to Trump’s comments “I am a proud Jewish man and I have no concerns about voting Democratic.”

He continued, “And in fact, I intend to vote for a Jewish man to become the next president of the United States.”Last week Trump made headlines for encouraging Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bar two Democratic congresswomen, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, from visiting the West Bank.